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All Summer in a Day

Holy shit when the sun finally came out this weekend I felt like those Venusian kids in the Bradbury story seeing the sun for the first time evah.




And if the Red Sox had been swept by Seattle, I would have been like the whacky Earth kid they locked in the closet.


While taking just 1 of 3 from the middling Marinahs isn't a best case scenario, still the Sox are in first and the forecast is 77 and sun.


And if that isn't enough to vinegah your cockles, then Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls I give you Tim Wakefield, All Stah!



What's an All-Star game?

77 and sun...and then 2 more days of rain. Meh

Regarding the weather, there's a fan on in my office. 'Nuf said McBobby.

Nice to see Timmah get into the all-star game. And to see Papi nearly squeeze the Timmy-juice out of him in the dugout.

BTW, with that (apparently) good pitching, how has Seattle been so mediocre? Weird.

i went to the game yesterday. it was a nice day at the ballpahk. i know i dump on fenway, occasionally, but it was great to be there and to see Lester deal.

and, even though some drunk tried to get it going in the 2nd inning, there was not a single instance of the wave for the whole game. Now, if we can get going on spiking Neil Diamond, everything would be great.



Meeting tonight.

Two tix now available for tonight's game if anybody can meet me, say at the Sail Loft on the North End waterfront, around lunch time. Face value.

(I hate work sometimes. And "managers" who say, "it's the only time I could get everyone together." Uh, I'm actually available at midnight.)

//BTW, with that (apparently) good pitching, how has Seattle been so mediocre?//

Yes, it is amazing how our formidible lineup can suck so bad at times they make a mediocre pitching staff look like a rotation of All Stars.

Then there is the flip side to that coin - the way our formidible bull pen can, at times, suck so fucking bad they make an opposing mediocre lineup look like Roy Hobbs and 8 Hobbs clones.

The Red Sox are so great they can not only maintain first place and the best record in the AL (?), they can give less fortunate teams a taste of what it's like to whip a powerhouse's ass. MLB should have a special award for such a giving team as the Red Sox.

I like the giving attitude of our beloved Sox. Again if they gave teams the Roberto Clemente award, I know we would get it. Yeah that's it. We don't need any more Championships lets become the giving losers. F***,F***,F***. Now I (its al about me isn't it?) have to listen to the MFY fans start yakking about how all will be right in the world shortly.

Sorry to clutter this is a test. h.b. feel free to delete.

And delete this also if you want. Turns out if you block JS you can't post on typepad without an account starting today(for me). I needed to allow yahooapis.com to get to post today. So if anyone is using NoScript in FF you may need to do the same.After allowing yahooapis.com no typepad account required to post.

Bob, are you sure you have tickets to *tonight's* game? You usually have tickets for the day before me and mine is Wednesday this week. Maybe it's a plan day thing where you have Mon/Wed/Sat or something...because mine is always W/Th/Su, so I just always notice us being a day off on the other 2 days of the week.

Mine are Mon/Wed/Sat Kaz.

You see? Elementary, my dear Watson. Now, on to the case of tired Japanese pitcher!

...and The Giant Rat of Sumatra :)

Now i have a reason to watch the all-star game.

Watching the Toronto-MFY game on my iPhone today while at work. Pettitte has given up 5 runs in 6+ innings of work. McDonald just hit a home run (e-i-e-i-o...) and it was his first in nearly a CALENDAR year. The score is 5-1 (MFY run was solo HR to short, short right by Hinske).

Also, I hate YES. With a passion. I don't get YES on RCN and so I'd forgotten just how much I hate YES. But now I remember. YEESH.

Q1: Who is this Bates guy playing 1st?
Q2: Can I call him "The Master"?

Seriously, I'm really starting to question The Smoltz Experiment.

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