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A bit slumpy

I'm so friggin' glad to see the Red Sox are taking advantage of the "soft" paht of the schedule.


Seriously. By beating up on the Seattles and Kansas Cities of the leagues, they can really open up some mofo distance on the Yankees.


WTF? Do these guys just need a break or what?


I dunno. All I know it that the Sox are lucky Cap and Trade isn't in force because every time the bullpen pours gasoline on the fiah, it'll be one fuck of a cahbon offset.


I'm sure Theo is gaming all the possibilities for tightening things up as we speak.


That's what I told my grans, but even aftah '04 and '07 she insists on clinging to the old ways.


Old habits die hahd and all that.



No excuse for what happened last night. None.

Is that Bob in the link to the second last frame?

Bring on the all star break. This is getting desperate.

C'mon kids-it's a marathon,not a sprint.

tongue firmly planted in cheek :)

Del Carmen = Belly Itcher

Masterson = WTF?!!?

Apparently our offense needs to set up a good 8-10 run lead before the bullpen enters if there is any hope of a win.

The best bullpen in the majors? what the fuck does the worst look like?

.. and you can lose a marathon with one bad mile.

I couldn't even watch that fuckery at the end of the game.

"shh, wait til Grans falls asleep. any minute now. there, you get the bottle, I'll get the tube. sweeeet!"

"No, grandma! For the last time, that's not your vase and cough syrup!"

That was right before she was run over by the reindeer, right?

//Is that Bob in the link to the second last frame?//

No, SDU, that's my little sister.

Shite-er of a game last night. Shite-er of a homestand, actually.

// No, SDU, that's my little sister.//

Literally LOL hilarious. Great start to a Friday.

Where did you get that picture of my grandmother? She loved watching the Sox on TV with a glass of whiskey in her hand, and when she died we found a baggie of pot in her cupboard. Got to love those Vermont Sox fans.

The motherfucking Royals?


Willie Bloomquist is white?



observation from my (rare) bleacher seats last nite: people at the game were more interested in singing sweet caroline than cheering for Ortiz to start a comeback in the eighth...depressing

And they would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids, lc.

Oh, wait, you said yoiks, not zoinks. My bad.

I'm just depressed.

There's nothing like watching the Sox in HD, and Heidi Watney is icing on the cake. But folks, the Royals have some butt-ugly ball players. Watching Cruz pitch in HD? Disgusting. That guy has ready-to-pop zits all up and down his neck, fercrissake. I want to vomit just thinking about it. Can they cut us a break and pan out a little? Now I understand why the porn industry isn't a fan of HD.

c'mon DuBois - the pearl necklace in HD is art, pure art.

No art in the RS right now in HD or anything...need gran's bong 'n bottle to get through the next few days.

Just remember this.
A shitty game in July
Beats gameless winter.



Runs and misses to you, too L.C.

It's a really nice day outside.

I'm giving you all the rest of the day off.

Something just bit my arm and it itches like crazy.

Thought you'd all like to know that.


Have to go get beer for beer cart, then I have to drink it.

So, have a great weekend all.

Hopefully we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday.

WHY wait until Monday??? Let's yak about Lester now.

I'm with ya, HR. And all of San Francisco is buzzing over their 'filthy' Sanchez

TMI Buck-lol

its starting to look like 8 run leads are not even enough once our wonderful bullpen comes in.

Maybe Theo will hold open tryouts for relievers soon? I can pitch that bad.

The bad days have their roots in those stupid red hats. As gerbilmeister Bill Lee said: "We look like clowns and we play like them." Lose the red hats.


(In a navy blue cap)

This has been a horrible uniform year, PAPesky. Red hats, grey/blue away jerseys look like the Yankees. Ugh.

...but the marketing people must be loving it,Kaz.

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