The Dandy 500
I hate to break this to you, but it seems you *cannot* make money from blogging.
Oh, now they friggin tell me?
Jeez. So much for buying my dream house on Nantucket... Now I'll just rent a sunset and say 'fuck it.'
Cheer up, kid, there's always Twittah.
Yeah, and my ShamWow franchise at the Burlington Mall.
Alright, so hat tip to John Henry, the Boston Red Sox, and all of us fans for the 500 consecutive sold out games at the Lyric Little Bandbox.
The best fans evah. Rooting for the greatests club evah. Playing in the greatest ballpahk evah.
Our resplendence has no bitch!
couldn't agree more. of course, during their visit to the NESN booth last night, the Big Three appeared, stopping Eck's "iron" and "cheese" references temporarily.
Luscious managed to put in a pitch for "let's get to 600"
sunset news shortly
Posted by: louclinton | 2009.06.18 at 09:15 AM
It's weird. I was at the game when the Sox broke the sell-out record (we got very cool commmerative tickets), and at the 500th consecutive sell-out last night (they handed out special baseballs).
BTW, the sausage cat vendor outside Gate B told me his Sriracha is always being stolen off the table by the chain link fence. So sometimes, no Sriracha.
Now who in the world would steal Sriracha?
Oh. Never mind.
Posted by: Bob | 2009.06.18 at 09:22 AM
"Sausage cat."
Typo, or inside knowledge?
Posted by: Bob | 2009.06.18 at 09:24 AM
Cat,hat,in French-Chat,chapeau...
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2009.06.18 at 09:34 AM
... el gato in a sombrero
always reminds me of a childhood fave - Speedy Gonzales
How about when one of the Trinty had to point out the "500" cut into the grass? Dude, if you have to point it out...
I particularly liked the couple sections holding up their FatMax Tape Measure Boners for all to see.
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2009.06.18 at 09:39 AM
Sunsets, bitches
Posted by: louclinton | 2009.06.18 at 09:52 AM
Don't forget Sunset Boulevard,LC
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2009.06.18 at 09:58 AM
lc- abso-frickin'-lutely hilarious. Can I recommend one for Julio Lugo:
Note: that was found by Google imaging "sunset nuclear holocaust." :)
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.06.18 at 09:59 AM
Sorry for the long URL headed off the page. Grad school HTML skills which were limited to begin with are now non-existent. :)
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.06.18 at 10:00 AM
At the risk of offending that ass-hat from the other day, LC's link put coffee on my keyboard.
Surly but brilliant.
Posted by: Bob | 2009.06.18 at 10:09 AM
Any DCers going to catch Smoltz next week? Stubhub still has good seats at non-raping prices. Grabbed lower level 3rd base boxes for $80/pop. It hurts, but at least I got a reach around.
Posted by: Soulie | 2009.06.18 at 10:14 AM
ouch, next time buy the nosebleeds and walkdown after the 2nd. Its the nats for christsake... even 'RSN' isnt gonna pack their stadium.
Posted by: jfm | 2009.06.18 at 10:25 AM
Peddling sunsets from Maine. Didn't the sun last set there about 50 years ago?
Posted by: yazbread | 2009.06.18 at 10:31 AM
ECK = cottage cheese
Posted by: SAC | 2009.06.18 at 10:46 AM
You can't even buy single game tickets from the Nats for that series. They put the Sox (and I imagine the Skanks) into some sort of 4 game package deal in order to get tickets. Screw that - at least they should all be televised.
Posted by: COD | 2009.06.18 at 11:21 AM
sadly, i think you underpriced the nancy lc...
Posted by: granular_serene | 2009.06.18 at 11:33 AM
So, if they end up canning this game tonight due to rain, when would they play it? It's interleague, so it's not like we could double up on a series later in the season against the Marlins. Monday? Marlins will be done a 3-game series at Yankee Stadium before heading to Baltimore and we'll be getting ready to head to DC (not a long trip).
Otherwise, I'm not seeing a smart off day to put it into before the end of the season.
Posted by: Kaz | 2009.06.18 at 11:52 AM
Bobby Orr in the Monstah?......Priceless!
Posted by: vancouversoxfan | 2009.06.18 at 12:13 PM
money, LC, money. nose hair singed from hot coffee - thanks.
another tip o' cap to HB for constantly incorporating pieces of crap from us into the strips.
good laughs, much needed after my UVa squad pulled a pre-2004 Sox move and coughed up a 3-1 lead w/ 2 out in the 9th.
Posted by: sonomasox | 2009.06.18 at 12:30 PM
Sonoma - I switched over to the CWS game after the Sox were done last night. Thought of you guys as the final out occurred.
Guy I felt bad for was that freshman (!) batting in the bottom of the 12th trying to plate the runner on 3rd. Was a pretty good at bat all told. I can't imagine being in a spot like that as a freshman in college. Seeing my Mom and Dad as two of the 7 people in the stands at some of the college track relays I competed in was difficult enough. Televised CWS game in front of that kind of crowd? Uh, not for me. :-D
Posted by: Rob in CT | 2009.06.18 at 12:58 PM
exactly, Rob...guess that's we we're sitting where we are. That was about the 50th RISP UVa had over the last 4 innings - painful.
Posted by: sonomasox | 2009.06.18 at 01:38 PM
sonomasox/COD it was heartbreaking. all they needed was one more strike. I am planing to go to Davenport Field tonight @ 6:00 to congratulate them. It sucked watching it but considering that only like 6 teams in the last 80 years get one win in their first trip to the series and the fact that most should be coming back next year all and all its not a bad year.
Posted by: vasoxfan | 2009.06.18 at 03:45 PM
lc - you really must find gainful employment. (but I love it!)
Posted by: soxdownunder | 2009.06.18 at 05:02 PM
From the Dandy 500 to the Rainy 5 in less than a day.
Fuckin' thing SUCKS! I'll do it LIVE!
Posted by: Kaz | 2009.06.19 at 12:26 AM
Calm down Kaz.Just remember,Chicks dig the Tuba player.
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2009.06.19 at 09:14 AM
Fantasy. Pure fantasy...
Posted by: BigBri(Steroid Free and Feelin' Fine!) | 2009.06.20 at 12:36 PM