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Crackin' claws

So watching Matsuzaka went from "watching grass growing with paint drying on it" to veritable Shinkansen. But too bad the end results were the same.


Yeah, Dice-K says he needs more "merihari," the Japanese word for for contrast or variety.


Ya think?


Seriously, instead of "Mothra" he was more like "JUGS" with the dial set to "batting practice."


Of course, even if Matsuzaka had bettah stuff, the offense othah than Kotsay wasn't going to be much help.


Meanwhile bring on the Yankees.


You know the MFYs will be the 3rd straight series against a 1st place team.


And assuming the Phillies hold, they'll make it numbah 4.


Bettah yet, facing all these 1st place teams means we've been spending time cracking claws while there is all that tail meat left on this lobstah of a season.



that was painful. I hope Abby is feeling better and so forth. I'm thinking about going to a new ball park tomorrow night (my second new ball park this year). Even so, no one cares, and that's fine.


What's the flip side of "not half bad"??

Sorry,I need more coffee.

Hey, how about those Heels? On to the College World Series one more time...

I can't wait until we play some bad teams. This season is completely on its head. You should start off on all the crap teams and then end up playing your rivals for a run-up to the playoffs. Oh well, maybe we'll pimp walk in September and cake walk through October.

anybody besides me think that Omar Vizquel was being showcased yesterday? If so, I kinda like what I saw....

I'd like to see OC back :)

Well being vasoxfan I can't help but give a shout out (wahoo!!) to my Virginia Cavaliers who are in the CWS for the 1st time.

Tailmeat For The WIN!!!

Being a diehard Sox fan who lives in Texas, (So diehard in fact, I have a son born in the aftermath of 2004 named Damon (Don't ask it could have been worse) who also has a little sister named Caroline) have been getting nonstop grief from all my friends about how hot the Rangers are and how they took one from the Sox to which I have to inform them that yes, taking a series 2-1 from a team that has 2 World Series titles in the past five years and have been serious contenders 4 of those five is a feat that a team such as they Rangers SHOULD be proud of. BUT, and a huge but here, the All Star break is quickly approaching and while a team such as the Sox use it to regroup and prepare for the run up to the Playoffs and beyond, the Rangers have used it notoriously, to trade key contributors for a bag of balls and some hope and dreams. We will see if the Strangers can hold on to that playoff spirit and what comes of their season post All Star break, and if they again will be ALDS first round victims if they manage to continue their "Domination" of the mighty AL West... Fair-weather Ranger fans are worse than yank fans if I may say so... Of course that’s just my two cents… Bring on the Yanks…

Good point Kaz. And just look at all those home games on the schedule for July against the Orioles, Royals, Mariners and A's.

Ought to be a good chance to make some hay while the sun shines, no?

Shinkansen, h.b.? That high-speed train's off the fucking tracks...

what's the japanese translation for 'go back down to the minors and get your shit together so we can bring up Buccholz'?

Andy, fortunately for your son he wasn't born during the Red Sox pennant-winning 1975 season, or he may have wound up with the name Dick Pole.

So with all due respect to his obvious lead in to some great haiku potential, can we dump whatthefuck-san instead of Penny when Smoltzy arrives?

More variety and contrast? he can't throw even one of his 7 pitches now with any consistency. I see him with an 0-2 count and just know the fucker will walk the guy.

Watching that game with an ever-so-regularly recovering Abby, I kept thinking, "It must be the 7th or 8th inning, right?"

Then I'd squint at the box and see 3rd.

It's easy to take Dice-K when he's winning 18 games, not so much when he's sucking paint grass.

glad to see Lestah looking like the real thing again...gotta take that from the wkend. But the T-ball base running skills were painful.

Big shout out to my alma mater - UVa.

Dook sucks (couldn't agree more) - hope the ACC can make a run in Omaha!

Being a VT grad, I have a hard time saying this, but I hope the stinkin' wahoos do well. I'm not sure the Hokie players know which end of the bat to hold when they step in. So, while I live in NC I grew up in VA and have to root for the home state (even if it is for that other team across the mountains)

Dice-K obviously hasnt recovered from throwing his arm in the 'wbc'. Put him on the 15 day dl, keep him there until his arm recovers and bring up clay in the meantime. Dice-K in top form will be a potent weapon down the stretch. He destroyed everyone in the wbc.

Disclaimer: I love the Sox, but growing up in Texas, I've long had an affinity for the Rangers as well and root for them when they aren't playing the Red Sox.


" BUT, and a huge but here, the All Star break is quickly approaching and while a team such as the Sox use it to regroup and prepare for the run up to the Playoffs and beyond, the Rangers have used it notoriously, to trade key contributors for a bag of balls and some hope and dreams."

To be fair, the Rangers haven't exactly been in contention after the ASB in recent years. In 2006, they did trade for Carlos Lee at the trade deadline. And they've got plenty of pieces to swing a big deal this year.

In other words, this wasn't your older brother's Texas Rangers.

As for the Sox, I can't wait until they get to chase a little tail. Not that I'm afraid of measuring your sack against the best.

Bring on the Expos.

Andy --

As a Dallas resident, I too fear the ridiculousness of the Ranger bandwagon. As fun as it could be for a bikini wax to be named after one of Josh Hamilton's tats, I'm hoping that the DFW area can resist behaving a la Rays fans last year.
Nolan is determined to beef up his pitching staff and it could be his life's greatest achievement if he does it.
Though I must say, if the Rangers can bring post-season games to Dallas (perhaps even vs. the Sox), it will be worth all the misery of bandwagoners.

Not related to anything baseball haiku

Nagin quarantined
true heckuva job, China
keep him, pretty please

Poor Rayray, sitting in some China quarantine, dreaming of the magical path back to his chocolate city. oh how will the city get along with him? will Tuesday still come after Monday?

er ... without him... the whole typing thing gets me sometimes.

i love the cracking claws metaphor h.b. - good form today.

CYanora to the national treasure as a factor in our mix this year. "He destroyed everyone in the WBC." Where does that get us in October?
Anyone thinking of the can't miss match-up in the near future? Smoltzie ready to go against the Nerfhawk Braves. A momentum builder as we get to that great part of the schedule.

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