1 City, 3 Teams
Is this the friggin greatest sports city in the world or what?
Absolutely. Right now I'm happiah than Carrie Prejean at a wedding "between 1 man and 1 woman ™ ".
Of course, there is always someone ready to take the bloom off the rose.
For instance,
the RotoProfessor wondahs if Jon Letsah is done.
You know I've had it with these Monkey Fighting*
Flakes and their "Is so-and-so done?" Monday to Friday Refrain.
I mean it's all "Is Papi done?" "Is Tek Done?" "Is Brachen done?"
Jesus Mohammed Obama people do I have to put it on a t-shirt?
Size Mattahs!
So before you hit publish on your next tweet or blog post or MSM column just do me a favah and unzip your sample size and take a long, hard look and then ask yourself, "Is it adequate?"
And if you have any doubt, put your sorry junk back undah wraps, sit your sorry ass down and watch, I dunno, 60 or so more games, mmm-kah?
Wow. That rant made my bitch tits tingle.
Always glad to help out, bro.
Great Strip today,hb. Clearly Brachen is far from done!
Posted by: soxoshanka | 2009.05.13 at 09:19 AM
Great win last night. Got to watch the last 2 innings at the bar after softball. I love M.S.T.
And I do think Lester will struggle all season. Too many innings last year. Hopefully he will bounce back in 2010.
Posted by: Scott | 2009.05.13 at 09:20 AM
and the streak is alive.
What troll is going to take a thrashing today?
Nice wins, boys.
Posted by: louclinton | 2009.05.13 at 09:23 AM
Vermonter! game 7! have fun
Posted by: buckner was framed | 2009.05.13 at 09:23 AM
I'd buy that t-shirt.
er, for the Mrs., that is...
Posted by: Rob in CT | 2009.05.13 at 09:32 AM
Watched the game in my mommy's basement last night. She brought down some Dr. Pepper and Hot Pockets. I like the ones that are reduced fat, because I need to drop a few pounds.
Mommy seemed weird though. I think she had a gentleman caller or something, because she was bleeding "down there."
And by "down there," I mean her va-jay-jay, because I have to state the obvious in moronic, obvious ways that only prove the points of the people opposing my point of view.
Anyway, looks like it's going to be another beautiful day in Chilowith. You know, zinc storms with passing mercury showers.
Posted by: Bob | 2009.05.13 at 09:35 AM
"I've had it with these monkey-fighting trolls on this Monday to Friday blog space!!!"
LOL!! lc, what do you think of my Samuel L. impersonation?
Posted by: Rob in CT | 2009.05.13 at 09:36 AM
Circle's got her A game today :)
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2009.05.13 at 09:38 AM
Hey Buck, one of the bartenders at Pete's/Durty Nelly's is going to be giving free mohawks outside the Garden before game 7. I think maybe, just maybe, it would suit you.
In any case, it's better than a faux-hawk.
Posted by: Bob | 2009.05.13 at 09:42 AM
Yes, put it on a shirt.
Thursday is going to be awesome.
Posted by: Kaz | 2009.05.13 at 10:05 AM
This one's a classic HB. Fine work.
Posted by: Ryan on MV | 2009.05.13 at 10:12 AM
PS - Some one tell CHB to keep his motherfucking fingers off of my motherfucking hockey!
Hmm, I think I did it wrong.
Posted by: Kaz | 2009.05.13 at 10:13 AM
OK. I need to revisit the whole t-shirt operation soon, so I'll plan to make a shirt.
I'm thinking "Size Matters!" in large text and then in smaller font have "Beware the fallacy of small sample size."
BTW would you prefer "Matters" or "Mattahs" for the spelling?
Posted by: h.b. | 2009.05.13 at 10:16 AM
Does it cost more to have two printing runs with different spelling? If not, do both. I'm torn between the two. (Much like BigBri with his "stepfather" and "uncle.")
Posted by: Bob | 2009.05.13 at 10:20 AM
Oh, great idea, Bob. With the CafePress setup, it's print on demand, so easy to offer both options.
I need to remember some of the other ones you guys wanted.
I think I have them written down somewhere, including "I'm Lou Clinton, Bitches!"
Posted by: h.b. | 2009.05.13 at 10:25 AM
I wouldn't wear it, unless it was sleeveless to show off my gunnnnzzzz
Posted by: louclinton | 2009.05.13 at 10:32 AM
Caps force Game 7. Bs force Game 7. Sox Win. Celtics Win.
If I can get a Caps win, and a Bruins win tomorrow, I'm a happy, happy camper. The playoff beard will live on!
Posted by: Soulie | 2009.05.13 at 10:32 AM
anyway, in our polymorphic subspecies in this creepy space, we're all louclinton aren't we?
[I'm pretty sure bbsf won't get that one]
Posted by: louclinton | 2009.05.13 at 10:35 AM
//we're all louclinton aren't we?//
Exactly! That is what I was thinking would be the underlying meaning of it.
Posted by: h.b. | 2009.05.13 at 10:41 AM
On the back of the lou shirt can it say "look it up"? I would buy one in every size.
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.05.13 at 10:51 AM
So, Nat, you're saying size doesn't matter.
Posted by: louclinton | 2009.05.13 at 10:55 AM
Well, lc, in my experience that depends on what precisely one is doing. :)
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.05.13 at 11:01 AM
"Look it up" on the back is easy. I just need to figure out where to put the logo/branding.
I think there are some great t-shirt ideas out of the keywords report people search on.
For instance, this is just the coolest:
"blah blah blah fishcakes"
And, of course, this ain't bad either:
"teal dress whiskey"
Maybe on the back it could say "Soxaholix: Keyword search"
Posted by: h.b. | 2009.05.13 at 11:09 AM
In other words, for some activities smaller and tighter is better; for others, um, "baggy" is perhaps more comfortable.
(Enjoying this thread from a random gate at the copenhagen airport where my flight was diverted due to en route electrical issues. Awesome.)
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.05.13 at 11:10 AM
Is blah blah blah fishcakes a "television without pity" thing? I thought they had coined something like that...
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.05.13 at 11:12 AM
Ah, now wonder "blah blah blah fishcakes" looked familiar. It's from one of my fave sites, Television Without the Pity.
The search ends up here because one of you suggested ""blah blah blah fishtacos."
Posted by: h.b. | 2009.05.13 at 11:12 AM
Just thinking that perhaps the ultimate insider Soxaholix t-shirt might just a simple monochrome clip art of a dress in teal color with "Soxaholix" in small print underneath.
Posted by: h.b. | 2009.05.13 at 11:16 AM
On the other hand, as most wouldn't get the reference, it may send the wrong branding message.
Ad Man Bob, help me out here.
Posted by: h.b. | 2009.05.13 at 11:18 AM
how about a teal dress with the logo on it? I'd be as likely to wear that as a tshirt.
ok, perhaps not
Posted by: louclinton | 2009.05.13 at 11:24 AM
Remember when that person at Fenway asked me, "Are you Lou Clinton?" (I was wearing a Soxaholix shirt.)
Maybe you could make a Tee that says:
No, I'm not Lou Clinton, bitch.
Or, one that just has Surly on the front, and Lovable on the back.
Posted by: Bob | 2009.05.13 at 11:25 AM
Bob, I think we're cool on the LC shirt, it's the teal dress idea that has me confounded on how to play it, if at all.
Posted by: h.b. | 2009.05.13 at 11:32 AM
How about the word "creepy" and the logo?
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.05.13 at 11:34 AM
Circle is on a rant! Bitch tits tingling, indeed.
T shirt - Starting with your take above, h.b., how about getting a circle into the graphic somehow - a nod to her as the ranter, then on the back "Is It Adequate?"
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2009.05.13 at 11:37 AM
If you put A-rod in the dress, then it would appeal to the masses on that level, and the faithful who knows what the teal means? Other than that, I got nothing...
Posted by: Natalie | 2009.05.13 at 11:46 AM
Creepy works. As does the idea of using Circle for "size matters." Can do both with and without.
Another teal dress idea -- The simple teal dress and then the tag "Chicks love Soxaholix"
Posted by: h.b. | 2009.05.13 at 11:49 AM
I have to go downtown and get bonded (for my parking permits when I move, not for any criminal activity.)
I will think on this.
Teal, teal, circle...for some reason Paul Lynde keeps coming to mind.
Posted by: Bob | 2009.05.13 at 11:53 AM
"I'm h.b.and you're not" That would keep everyone guessing.
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2009.05.13 at 12:14 PM
...even us.
Posted by: Harwich Rich | 2009.05.13 at 12:16 PM
I'm very excited, Buck. I can't believe YOU are missing it, but your seats will be well-used!
Game 7 Baby!! Go Bruins!
Posted by: vermonter | 2009.05.13 at 12:21 PM
not going to get any work done today...bitch tits tingling, brain on full t-shirt mode & sexy Circle dancing around my office in a teal dress.
hb - If you're going w/ some exposed bra straps (cuz if you're wearing a teal dress, you've had some drinks and things come out) - the logo would work in there.
Posted by: sonomasox | 2009.05.13 at 12:29 PM
T Shirt Mottoes...
F: Soxaholix
B: Circle's 2nd to last panel from today, in its entirety.
F: Soxaholix - Home of the Teal Dress
B: Mommy's Basement Dwellers Not Welcome Here
F: Soxaholix... A Special Kind of Creepy
F: Soxaholix... Coffee on the computer screen
F: Lisa mmmmm Lisa
Posted by: Jeff in NC | 2009.05.13 at 01:33 PM
Take a copy of the Dave Roberts steal of second from the 2004 ALCS. Photoshop him into a teal dress.
Underneath that put the text:
Steal Dress.
Soxaholix logo where ever you please.
Posted by: Kaz | 2009.05.13 at 02:24 PM
Or maybe:
sTeal Dress
Posted by: Kaz | 2009.05.13 at 02:25 PM
I too am still a-tingle after that sweet Boston trifecta last night... so good, so good! But I gotta ask, is STATS like a low budget AP that Yahoo Sports uses? This assclown calls this a preview lede? WTF?!? whatta jackass: By ANTHONY GIORNALISTA, STATS Senior Writer "Kevin Youkilis can't help and Dustin Pedroia is banged up, but the Boston Red Sox will need somebody to step up at at the plate with the potential of another poor Tim Wakefield start looming against the Los Angeles Angels..."
Posted by: NYSoxfan | 2009.05.13 at 02:37 PM
"My Resplendance is Adequate" over a teal dress w/ logo?
Posted by: buckner was framed | 2009.05.13 at 03:12 PM
well, feel free to spell it correctly of course...
Posted by: buckner was framed | 2009.05.13 at 03:13 PM
Coulda been worse than electrical problems, Natalie.
Just sayin'.
Posted by: Kaz | 2009.05.13 at 03:15 PM
Whatever the design otherwise, can the printer include a built in sriracha stain somewhere on the chest or belly. It will save Bob the effort.
Posted by: soxdownunder | 2009.05.13 at 03:50 PM
yeah, with onions....
Posted by: buckner was framed | 2009.05.13 at 04:13 PM
And peppers.
Oh, and H,B.: two words:
Anas crecca.
Could be The Soxaholix "Veritas."
Posted by: Bob | 2009.05.13 at 04:50 PM
How 'bout
'Im Lou Clinton and so's my wife'
And a nice haiku?
Posted by: soxdownunder | 2009.05.13 at 05:24 PM
How about a nice Haiku?
'I'm Lou Clinton and so's my wife.'
[This could be a double post, my pc's being funny this morning]
Posted by: soxdownunder | 2009.05.13 at 05:37 PM