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Putting the "ah?" in "Rah"

Your omniscient author in absentia:
Sorry to give you Lisa and then a "no strip" back to back, but I totally forgot today is another one of those off-site corporate pep rally deals.

Not only does that alter my usual routine, but I overslept as well.

Until tomorrow then …



If X = average monthly cost of an employee that was recently laid off.

And Y = cost of an off-site pep rally.

Then I can't help wondering what the multiplier on X is to make it equal Y.

and which exec gets the $1M bonus for coming up with the rally idea?

a day behind as usual, but loved the auto-CD generator link from yesterday... gotta love a band named "Prosthetic Johnson". I think A-Rod's the lead singer

H.B., if somebody asks to fall backwards into your arms as a trust exercise, let them drop.

Then, in your best Reagan voice say, "trust, but verify."

HB, will there be L.U.N.C.H (Leggo Utilization for Negating Crisis Hierarchies) followed by C.L.A.S.S. (Consuming Lunch and Simple Socializing)? Have fun! Remember, "you're a lion, take what's yours."

Hat tip, of course, to 30 Rock for all that nonsense.

Rah,rah,rah-that,s the spirit here at MoreScience High :)

I expect live-blogging from the back of the auditorium.

In the meantime, I'm going to the Bruins-Kings game tonight with a friend, thanks to BWF. Please please please, Bruins, get another freakin' win! Beat LA! I want to see a Tim Thomas shutout with a hat trick from Chara! Heh.

I was all for this WBC thing until about 6:30 yesterday when I heard the news about Youk.

On the other hand, it's nice when your number 3 starter is referred to as "Boston Red Sox ace Daisuke Matsuzaka" in the national press.

They can't get the audio right. Too funny. We are on hold.

Remember now the layofffs were not about saving money but part of a "strategic global restructuring to remain competetive". :)

Mandatory clip of CEO on some British biz tv show?


Kaz, you are going to love BWF's seats. They're sweet.

In my world, these meetings feature a lot of BOPSA

(Bunch Of People Sitting Around)


enjoy the game, Kaz. And remember, if you get thirsty, Bob will be in his living room (aka Pete's) before, during and likely after the game. It's a 5 min walk/stumble from the Garden, and filled with colorful characters not unlike Bob himself. And, if you're lucky, the lovely and talanted Abby will stop by as well

...CEO Sir James Appleyard Templeton IV rallies the troops, much like his father did as one of Monty's trusted adjutants at El Alamein just before they gave Rommel and the Jerries a right wallop.

H.B. - my guess is they decided to hold this "Pep Rally" today as a means to keep everyone from watching the early NCAA games. Gotta keep up productivity in order to remain competetive. Oh, everyone's in BOPSA mode owing to "technical difficulties"? Doh!

Bet those blackberries are working overtime to get updated scores.

@Harwich Rich - I got it. Love Firesign Theater...

Well, that was a pile of wierd. Great game going into half way through the third. The seats were very cool, BWF, thanks! I really thought I was gonna see a Timmy Shutout! Then, the players were completely dragass through the second half of the third. Lose in OT with about 30 seconds to go...criminey...

My phone won't let me watch the NCAA games even though I paid $5 for the iPhone app and I'm on WiFi like it says. Bastards...

I'm going to bed before my bracket unravels too.

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