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Didn't even mention the Yankees

I know it's stupid, but as long as it's possible I keep hoping the Rays slump and allow the Sox to sneak in.


Nah. The Rays are playing with just too much confidence right now not to win one more and clinch.


And I don't see them losing that confidence anytime soon.


Yeah, well, Colorado had so much confidence last year that they thought they'd been anointed by Jesus for a born again crusade through the post season.


But they ended up more than a few loaves and fishes short.


Guys, why are we even talking about the Rays? At this point our minds should be fully occupied with the Angels.


Oh, we'll handle the Angels alright. What with Beckett bringing his special postseason version of menacing redneck to the mound.


And Matsuzaka who'll walk umpteen but will be otherwise unhittable.


And Lestah the Molestah


That's right. We spunky on your rally monkey.




It's not Rocktober

It's Not Tribe Time

It's Not Raystober

Plus, oh never mind, the republican Single A teamis just embarassing to white men everywhere, and we are tough to embarass.

I'm going to get grat pleasure watching the PStripes playing out the string in the bunker this weekend. I expect to see lots of Chris carter, David Aaaaaaardsmaaaaaaa and other irrelevancies, such as Nancy.

other than that, although it would be mildly entertaining and definitely foul beyond belief, you don't really want to know what's on my mind this morning.

If we make it past the Angels, then I'll give a shit.


How about Pesky's number getting retired tonight? That should be some good emotional shit.

It'd be great to watch...that is if it'd stop friggin' raining!

It's going to rain about 4 inches today and tonight. I think the only thing they'll retire is the game. Probably a double-header tomorrow, depending on if the Rays clinch or not.

Which is a bit of a pain because I'm supposed to go to the 3:55 game tomorrow.

BTW, if I had one player to add to the Sox, it would be Roy Halladay. 20 wins, 9 complete games, years of just such greatness...his presence would return balls of Saturn to Fenway.

I guess the economy isn't that bad if the Red Sox can sell seats for this much:

Dear Friend:

This is a final reminder about the Fenway Park seat sale. We are nearly sold out and wanted to give you a final opportunity to purchase a pair of seats from the historic ball park. The seats being removed are our red Field Box and Loge Box seats which are coming out to facilitate a waterproofing of the seating bowl. Seats are sold in pairs with each pair costing $795, which includes all shipping, handling and tax. If you are interested, please call 617-226-6800 or email [email protected] to order your piece of history today. Thanks for your support and here’s to a long and exciting postseason run for the Sox and Red Sox Nation!


The Boston Red Sox

What cheek(s) :D

$800 fucking dollahs??!?! I'd like some stinky Fenway seats, but I imagine it will be mostly pinkhats and bandwagon jumpahs proving their allegiance to Red Sox Nation by spending that sort of scrilla on seats that have been subjected to horrible treatment for years.

$795 is a bit hefty for what will ultimately turn into a place to throw my jacket. Nostalgia is great, but without the sox, franks, Budweiser signs, and such, that is just a pair of really uncomfortable seats with old gum on the bottom.

On a happier note, it should be much fun to watch the yanks in the dugout act like they don't care that the party's over! This Is The End My Friend!


Havent heard from Jason O in while...

I think J.O. was here the day after the Sox clinched a spot.

He even offered congrats.

Big Bri just offered Johnsonville brats.

Bob is right. JO showed up yesterday. He actually made an interesting statement where he said he'd trade five World Series championships to the Red Sox to see Vanderbilt win the SEC once. I think that's a more than fair deal.

Especially if you don't give a rat's ass about Vanderbilt.

From redsox.com:

With the uncertainty of tonight's forecast and the potential of delay in the start of the game, the ceremony for the retirement of Johnny Pesky's uniform number, scheduled for this evening, has been moved to Sunday, September 28. It will take place at approximately 1:15 p.m. prior to the Red Sox-Yankees game at 1:35 p.m.

John Michael Paveskovich- PESKY.
Met him in '58 when my legion coach was his grounds keeper for the Lancaster Red Roses AA in PA. He remembered me in '99 when he was on Yawkey Way signing autographs on the 1st base side. I hope there is a "Pesky curse" against the Brewers, since that ass-brain Selig threw him out of the dugout. I'm glad Pesky saw us win and I hope the Brewers wait longer than the Cubs.
Better than that...Thhhaaaa YANKEES WIN...thhaaaaaYANKIES win ---choke on that You f'in' skankie fans.

Okay, beer cart has too many account people around today, so I'm splitting a little early.

Have a great weekend, all.

This is the one Friday of the year that I can say with certainty that we'll have something fun to yak about on Monday.

Ortiz is starting at 1st tonight....

Gotta love October baseball

RIP Paul


There shall be an egg-eating competition in your honor.

So the Rays took the East...hate to say it but they did earn it.

Mets lose again. Holy crap.

Hey,how's that respect thing workin' out Petey?

I think those who think that $795 for a pair of seats from Fenway Park is outrageous don't understand the value of such a thing. Not only is it a piece of nostalgia to own it can be considered an investment as well. Bleacher seats that were removed after last season for similar reasons have sold for more than these ones cost and those cost less to buy. You can look back at Yankee Stadium seats that were removed a long time ago and see their value today. Years from now I think you'll be able to look back at the current value and see how much more they are worth over time. I think even in the short term when they are sold out you'll see they are worth a significant amount more than the Red Sox are selling them for. I think one needs to recognize the value and size of the memorabilia business before saying $795 is a lot. Don't get me wrong, it is a lot of money, but I think it's in line with the product.

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