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Depth Perception

OK, it totally dawned on me last night what the best thing about being a Red Sox fan in this golden era of 2 championships in 4 year is …


Wait, isn't this is old news? I thought we'd already decided the best thing is that now hot chicks are attracted to all things Red Sox?


Duh, you're right. The second best thing, then, is this — while the season will have its up and its downs, there is no reason, no reason whatsoevah to overly wallow in the downs.


Case in point: This 11-19 on the road thing? Meaningless. Small sample size and all that. It'll even out.


And what about Matsuzaka's shoulder and impending MRI that you were sobbing about all aftahnoon yestahday?


I'm ovah that, too. Look it's not like he has SARS or West Nile. Dude, just has a case of fatigue. And how do you cure fatigue? Rest. Simple as that.


We'll just bring up some guys from the fahm to covah Matsuzaka for as long as needed.


Seriously. What's the point in depth of you don't use it.


That's what Jenna Jameson said.


Hey, did you hear Jenna calls her vajayjay by it's own name?


Really? What does she call it?





Da' Bears.


The best ending to a strip in months.

(Not that there haven't been great strips. I just love short pay-offs. Ask my girlfriend.)

deep strip today, hb

//deep strip today, hb//

Agreed, LC.

It's almost as if H.B. kissed the womb.

...or ripened it :)

Does JJ's Vajayjay have the same moustache as it's namesake?

Oh man, I love "that's what she said".

Eli Manning started dating Jenna, but it didn't work out. She said he couldn't go long.

Oh, man - awesome strip today - got better with each cell!

Classic strip today, hb...just needed a snare drum at the end.

//...or ripened it :)//

Ug. In my one experience in the porn biz, I heard "kiss the womb" many times, but not "ripen it."

(For the "did we really need to know that" crowd, "kissing the womb" is porn actor talk for sliding your, uh, manhood by or under the cervix and into the uterus. Sorry for the disgusting info, and have a great weekend everyone.)

And no, I wasn't a "fluffer."

Bob, that is patently unfair that you should mention that you have an experience in the porn biz, then not elaborate on it. Unfair and un-American, I say.

I had one on-camera scene. Fun, but really quite unsettling in terms of all the people and lights and such.

And I wrote a couple of scripts (eg, "Voluptous woman opens door after hearing bell ring. Door-to-door salesman greets her (music up) and asks to come inside to demo some facial cream...).

All during college in Los Angeles.

Hey, don't get judgemental, I needed money for beer.



Bob really bottomed out this conversation.

OMG it's Bobbie Treehorne.

But Celtics v Lakers sure takes you back.

BTW what is Ditka (is it an old Bears player)? and what is Mr Pusslegut (no idea)?

Dumb Aussie struggling to keep up.



SNL made him a big pop culture icon with Bill Swerski's Superfans.

Here's a taste of Bill Swerski's Superfans with George Wendt in the sketch:

Da Bears

Thanks Kaz. Good links. I'll add it to my store of useless information. :)

Congrats sdu,now bring on the Dees :)

http://www.collingwoodfc.com.au/tabid/5586/Default.aspx?newsid=60579 "> Thank you, http://news.realfooty.com.au/sport/magpie-magicians-put-on-a-show-20080531-2k7a.html "> H'Rich

You're a top bloke - bring on the D's indeed.

Da 'Piess.

Weekend recap: BOS > BAL. Manny = 501.

I love ya, B-more, but you just got pwned.

Too bad we didn't gain enough to pass TB and beating the O's just helps the Yankees stay out of the basement. But all in all, a good weekend. I have to say though that I'm less interested in baseball right now than "Celtics v Lakers, Round 11" on Thursday!


"Pusslegut" has no meaning whatsoever, at least as far as I know.

It was just won of those things that popped into my head while writing the strip and I liked the sound of it so much I kept it, even though it makes no sense.

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