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As Manny Likes It

So here's what I want to know — when Billy Crystal had his one day love-in with the Yankees, did he have the opportunity to learn A-Rod's secret weapon, the infamous "dropping the shoulder move"?


I dunno, with just one day, they probably only had time to go ovah the rudiments of ball slapping and lip bluing.



Seriously, who knew that Manny Being Manny means being a voracious readah, a healthy eatah, and a practitionah of yoga?


Manny is the embodiment of that Shakespeare line:

"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."



Manny can read?!-who knew? Just kidding big guy :)

"O, how this knot in my back resembleth
The uncertain glory of an April day;
Which now shows all the margin of defeat,
And by and by a shot takes all away."

--Josh Shakespeare

"a tale told by an idiot and the head of a ...fox"-Firesign Theater

Jeffrey (regular commentor on this creepy site) actually gave me a bunch of lidocaine patches for my hinky back last week. Or was it two weeks ago? Worked great.

Anyway, Josh? Wanna have a beer and some lidocaine at Pete's Pub?

//...they probably only had time to go ovah the rudiments of ball slapping and lip bluing.//


Good luck tomorrow, h.b. Got a real good friend at Mass. General going through some family surgical stuff, too. So I'm doubling up on positive thoughts and energy.

(Homer)"Mmmmm...beer and lidocaine..."

God, I know I say something like this every season, but it never ceases to make me giddy to have that first moment of the season out to dinner, seeing live baseball updates on TV. Puts a hop in my step. And since my London move got pushed back to August (I am bummed!), I am going to have almost a full season of ball. Time indeed to get to those new seats at Fenway...

Manny is reading the Secret? I hope he doesn't all of a sudden start deciding that "visualising" home runs is better than his past batting practice discipline...

hb- thinking of you and your wife. Hope tomorrow goes well.

Didn't know what milk was..
But he sure knows where it comes from...

Firesign Theater-off

Hey Bob, I think it was two weeks ago or so.

I'm up for another beer and lidocaine party soon, anyone else want grab some beers soon?

H.B. Thanks for the updates and the daily strip, my guess is it might be a bit of therapy...?

Can't do beer and lidocaine this week or weekend, as I'm off to Brooklyn tomorrow.

Don't worry; I've packed extra hair gell, fake gold medallions, and a couple of satin jackets.

Bob, I hear they have this place called The Emperors Club that's supposed to be a lot of fun :D

Oh,I almost forgot-the password is "Eliot sent me"

I wouldn't be surprised if "slappy mc-bluelips" works too.

If anyone is looking for a reason for Clay's slow start this spring, then look no further:


She likes that Clay's slow.

Oh, and Harwich, here's the (now) hilarious Spitzer campaign commercial:


(Didn't Hitchcock use trains and tunnels to symbolize something?)

a name to add to the list awhile back of great player names: Lincoln Holdzkom. Good thing for him he's 6'5" cause I sure HS could have been hell with that moniker.

I bet Lincoln has chipmunk cheeks.

Bye Bye Dougie.

I hope Wake will be okay this time without him. I don't think we need another police escort this time...

I'll miss the Dougster. At least until his replacement hits over .220.

See you folks next Tuesday.

H.B., prayers and best wishes all the while.

Bob, what did you call us? See you next...

Folks, not Faulkes.

Now I'm officially out of here.

Peter Luger won't know what hit him...

Best of luck and prayers go out to your wife h.b. Thanks for the strips these last couple weeks.

Best wishes today. Hope the umps get the call right!

That Shakespeare guy was alright, but I like Steve Walsh's adaptation -
"If I claim to be a wise man, that surely means that I don't know"
Old rock and rollers never die, but a lot of people wish we would :)

I'm not sure about letting Dougie go. I don't know that Cash is much better at the plate than Mirror man, and Dougie wasn't there for offense anyway.
Oh well, trust the FO. Seems like they've done OK recently.

belated best wishes to you and the missus today... my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Josh, Bob, Kaz, whomever-
Count me in for a pre-season pour. Lidocaine optional. I can probably scare up some B12 injections too, if ya want....

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