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Beency-bouncy burger meat

Well, well, well, Curt Schilling fancies himself a Devil Ray now does he?


Heh. If that evah happens it'll be interesting to see what turns out to be the more difficult task: Silencing 60 thousand Yankees fans in The Stadium or amplifying all 250 Devil Ray's fans in the Tropicana.


So what about Papelbon, eh? The first Red Sox pitcher to have at least 30 saves in two seasons.


And how awesome is it that he has a new pitch that he's calling "The Sluttah." Can't wait to hear Tim McCavah say that on air.


Meanwhile, did you hear Mussina has a new off speed pitch he's calling "the lingonberry"?


The lingonberry?



mmmm Ikea Managers special

Big Papi looked like a runaway locomotive heading toward third yesterday.

Magic number: 31

Hey,watch the Swedish jokes :D

Lingonberry- LMAO, h.b.

Have fun in Tampa, Schill. Thanks for '04. (Although how any player in his right mind would want to play the majority of his games in that monstrosity of a stadium I can't possibly understand).

I love those little moments of poetic symmetry in baseball: "Anderson became the first player with 10 RBIs in a game since Yankees star Alex Rodriguez also had 10 against the Angels on April 26, 2005."

I dated a stripper from The Glass Slipper for all of a month.

She was a slutter, too.

A little fast and loose, but with nice curves.

(I'm here all week. Try the veal.)

Q: What does Sweden have that Norway does not?

A: Good Neighbors

Welcome to a real opponent, NY.

Q. What are beautiful women in Sweden called?

A. Tourists

/Have fun in Tampa, Schill/
Couldnt agree more. Schill's a self made "folk hero" and all, but he's making us appreciate Wakefield more every day...quiet guy who goes out and does his job, stays below the radar, and only calls other guys out when they absolutely need to hear it, etc etc. In other words, a class act. Schill is just becoming an act. Oh, and Papi, I'm glad you're selling the bling mobile. The whole gangsta-thing just seems so incongruous to me...its like watching a game with Don and Jerry without at least two innings of 5th grade hijinks...just wrong.

I was ESPN radio on the way home from work yesterday because I hate myself. The guest was a writer from Page 2 (heaven forbid they have someone from "outside" on). He said, among other things, that Garret Anderson was done and was killing the Angels. I love it when cocky douchebags get shown up immediately.

Theo's obviously made his share of mistakes, but with every passing day, his decision to not talk contract with Schilling until after this season is looking more and more prescient.

When that Devil Ray hit the homer to make it 7-5 (I think), did anybody else think that was just a can of corn off the bat?

I was going like, "easy fly ball...uh, wait a minute...what the...what the...what the duece?"

No issues with Schill marketing himself a bit while he's there. Heck he's got to feed his family next season somehow.

Gotta love the Ebay ads. 1st Manny's grill now Papi's cah.

Nice to see that Skankees bullpen hold the Angels down for the big comeback...

Lingonberry? WTF?

Speaking of Sweden, this story cracks me up. Bill Murray was just arrested in Stockholm for driving drunk... in a golf cart. No word on whether he was also smoking a hybrid of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia.


I was more thinking dingle berry.


what do dingle berries complement best?

"Für mich auch, das Lingonberry pancakes"

(How Aimee Mann got her SAG card in The Big Lebowski, for anyone keeping score)

//what do dingle berries complement best?//

ask Doug, aka the horn section

Heh, the lingonberry thing made me laugh (and also gave me a strange desire to go buy cheap Swedish furniture...)

Aaron - I think that knowing when to pass on re-signing aging talent is one of Theo's strong suits. I can't think of a veteran that's gone on to have more than 1-2 productive years elsewhere. The FO seems less reliable when it comes to evaluating veteran talent elsewhere, unfortunately.

Derek Lowe is one guy they let go who continues to do quite well. That was a good gamble, though. Who knew Lowe had a lot left in him? Must be all the groupies ...

Bah. It's just Schill being Schill. He talks like Manny acts.

The O.C also continues to do quite well - this being his best season since Theo let him go - and he definitely has out performed our merry go round over the that stretch.

Tough to place yourself back to winter 04-05 and weigh the Renteria pick up

Not sure the O.C fits the aging talent category though

Re: DL. I think him throwing his junk with the '06 defense behind him would have led to a no hitter and 18+ wins. Still, who could have predicted his crazy ass would be that good last year?

the bluster from the bleary-eyed fans of the MFYs has been awfully quiet around the water cooler since Monday. Is there anything more enjoyable than watching the Sox's postseason odds improve exponentially by the day? (http://www.baseballprospectus.com/statistics/ps_odds.php) Oh yeah, it's watching that magic number melt...

Good call on DLowe - my bad. I'd always been against trading O-Cab but somehow forgot him too. So, uh, basically I'm talking about Pedro. Pedro and Damon. Those two. :)

Well, I see out buddy Kason Gabbard took the win tonight. Hell, I think I could have pitched for Texas tonight after the 6th. 30-3 vs. the Orioles? Good God, man! Beat 'em by over 3 touchdowns. Holy Schmoly!

Um, sorry to all for being incommunicato for so long. Working here in NYC for the last several months, lots of hours and blocked access to Typepad. Too tired to post at the end of the day on my return to the apt., and the Assembly always seems to pretty much cover the day's discussion. I do lurk daily, and most always find something in the comments to make me laugh. Keep up the good work, HB. Consistent excellence of this sort can't be easy, but it's much appreciated.

Reporting from behind enemy lines, I remain your humble servant.

Rob in (NY), er, CT

How many swedes does it take to change a light bulb?
Yankees suck.

Hey hey hey - it's Rob in CT!!!!!!

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