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This strip was delayed because I couldn't think of a title

Feels so good to be back notching W's in the win column.


And, Christ, I knew Jacob Ellsbury has been branded as The Next Big Thing™, but I didn't know that incredible speed was amongst his weaponry.


Er, what are you trying to imply, Imus? Heh.


Do I need to come ovah there and beat your ass?


If so, bettah hurry, 'cause I'm blowin' out of here early for the 4th.


Where you headed this year, Ogunquit or Provincetown?


Yeah, where you going, ovah to your momma's triple deckah and uncap a fire hydrant?



I hate to say it, but Ellsbury's face sort of resembles Johnny Damon's. Man, he's a speedy fella though. Thanks to Hinske for the triple (and Lofton for misplaying it) as it removed all tension from the rest of the game.

I have a friend who enjoyed dishing out the grief and received a lot in return. One other friend used to call him "Mayor of Provincetown". It was pretty funny until said friend's brother came out of the closet and left his wife and 3 kids.

Change of subject, but it might be worth noting that Bucky F'ing Dent is no longer employed by the Cincinnati Reds.

Great comment per the usenet group:

'Coco Pip'

Da Kine, if you're out there today, I'm loving my new tees. I wore Papi while walking the dog yesterday, and it got a thumbs up from a fellow barmate and some curious glances from my Latino neighbors - or perhaps they were just nervous about the Rottweiler/Bull Mastiff pulling me down the sidewalk.

You might need an Ellsbury Speed Shop shirt next.

After DC just killed The Flash, I thought they would debut a new one in another issue. Instead, I was surprised to see the new Flash wearing a completely different uniform and playing CF.

Maybe this was the best thing that has happened to the team all year?

They are saying Coco did well in BP, but he DID get a nice hit AFTER the injury on Wednesday (double down the left field line). Maybe that was just adrenaline ...

Maybe Ellsbury can play RF ... ?

Oka-jima san
Thoroughly deserved a save
But rules don't allow...

I just want to say this. I want to say it gently but I want to say it firmly: There is a tendency for the world to say to America, "the big problems of the world are yours, you go and sort them out," and then to worry when America wants to sort them out. -Tony Blair

Enjoy the 4th.

Completely off-topic:

Apparently, Alyssa Milano has teamed up with MLB to created a line of "fan fashion," including jewelry. Hey, if some of her touch(sm) t-shirts say "Fuck You" on the back, maybe Cynthia Rodriguez will help endorse them at upcoming Yanks games.


Happy 4th!

Buckner was framed, Mrs BWF, Kaz, possibly Bob and I are meeting for a drink at the Baseball Tavern (ground floor) at 11-30am tomorrow (7/4) before the game. All Soxahoix welcome.

I'll be wearing my 'red seat' black tshirt with green monstah scoreboard of the 2004 ALCS game 4. Dunno what the others will be wearing.

Haha, great strip today, h.b.

It's plays like Ellsbury and the Hinske Triple that really do brighten the next day...or the fact that it feels like a Friday. Either way, it's the top of the world.

After I saw that super-steal, I turned to my friend and said, "I wonder if he can play Short".

Well, who's meeting me and my friend (sometimes lurks here) at the Tavern tomorrow? SDU? BWF? Lou? Bob? 11:30a, right, guys?

h.b., you're welcome to stop by too and lurk in the corner taking pictures of us or something...just don't wear the oversized shadowed hoodie..it'd probably give you away.

That'll teach me not to refresh before posting. Yeah, SDU, my friend and I will be there to start things early tomorrow (even tho we don't have tix to the game). I'll probably be wearing the Red Sox (in ASL fingerspell) t-shirt that my friend got me for my recent B-day or my Crew t-shirt from the Dave Matthews Fenway concert a while back.

What do you do if you drop your wallet in ogunquit?

Kick it it to Wells!

In re: "He doesn't even look fast does he?"

Looks are deceiving. Mr. Jacoby Ellsbury half Navajo – his mother is full Navajo – and lived on a reservation in Oregon until he went to kindergarten.

He is believed to be the first Native American of Navajo descent to reach the Majors

Enjoy the 4th. I'll be at the pahk.


Watch it, Imus. My mama's triple deckah knows caps, and I ain't talking fire hydrants. Why, it almost sounds like you're talkin' down to the native arcology. I'm just sayin', there's more Sox action on 3 levels throughout the neighborhood than the sands of Truro or the maple forests of the Berkshires.

SDU, just got your message. 11:30 might be a bit too early for me on a rare day off, but if I make by 12:00-ish (sorry, I'm sooo Hollywood), I take it you'll still be at the Tavern?

If I show up (I make the odds rigfht now at 60-40), I'll be in my classic Soxaholix Tee.

H.B. will be bartending in his large fake breast outfit.

"Kick it it to Wells!"

Better keep kicking if you're not in a plaid shirt over the Cinderella tee you got at the '87 OOB show, ripped jeans, and work boots.

BTW, thanks J.O. for your Tony Blair quote.

Here's my borrowed thought for tomorrow:

"How often we fail to realize our good fortune in living in a country where happiness is more than a lack of tragedy."

--Paul Sweeney

Those jokes were so Boston-centric I think Tip O'Neill wrote them.

NolaSox, I'm glad you like the shirts. I've been getting a huge amount of attention here in Hawaii when I wear my OK! Okajima shirt, but I think it is because a haole is walking around with Kanji on his chest rather than an appreciation of Dark Man.

Damn Jacobson Ellsburyton. I know it is a small sample size, but he is making a case for CF, which belongs to my man Covelli. An embarrassment of riches.

//H.B. will be bartending in his large fake breast outfit.//
If those were fake, I am a convert to cosmetic surgery!

and I was hoping those spectacular curls were natural, too

The tip-off that "she" was really H.B.: man-hands.

My pint of IPA looked like a thimble in those hams.

Crisp in, Ellsbury out tonight, according to The Globe.

i just got back from a week in provincetown with the family. it is without a doubt the best place to go people watching in new england... at least in the summer. dont worry bout dropping youe wallet theres enough action there with the gay community . i was sporting my "token straight guy" tee and was the toast of the town... errrr... that doesnt sound good at all ... let me rephrase and say my shirt got lots of laughs. any way hb if you do go to provincetown and end up on comercial street make sure you stop and see to of the biggest land marks there, the seamans savings bank and the provincetown fudge factory. you cant make this stuff up if you tried

My Dad used to insure the Provincetown Fudge Factory, and my maternal uncle was his building inspector. Have I mentioned that my maternal uncle is an alcoholic bigot? Good times.

A call for Oki:

Summer classic calls,
Vote like the Chicagans vote:
Early and often.

Matsuzaka san was AWESOME last night. Wow!!!

Happy 4th all.


with thanks to Kaz!


Why is it so difficult for people to remember that the kid's name is Jacoby not Jacob?

On a page dedicated to the Sox, it would be nice to get that correct.

Why is it so difficult for people to remember that the kid's name is Jacoby not Jacob?

The strip and the characters are meant to be a reflection/caricature of Red Sox Nation. Since most people, including recent media stories, use "Jacob" then that is what the characters have used.

On a page dedicated to the Sox, it would be nice to get that correct.

Well, if you want to be a pedantic, I wouldn't use the term "page" to describe this site.

As for being "dedicated to the Red Sox," well, that's not really correct either. See the first point above.

As I've said over and over again the purpose of this site is amusement; if you're coming here for accuracy and/or Red Sox news then, well, you're at the wrong URL.

Careful, h.b., about quarreling with "Me." He/she sounds familiar... wouldn't want you to bite off more than you can chew. Happy week of the 4th...


I stumbled upon the Soxaholics by accident...I hope my day goes better than this moving forward. What a waste of bytes...

Thanks for the report, Todd. I'll bet you do a lot of stumbling, doncha? Nice spelling job.

Can anyone tell me where I can find the Red Sox - Sign Language T shirt?? We saw it at a game and I want to send it to my boyfriend as a suprise while he's on deployment but can't find it anywhere. Any help is appreciated. ~ Mary

I was looking for the red sox shirt in sign language as well. Found it! HEre is the link:http://www.yawkeywaystore.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=TA0605

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