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Paying the bills

Your omniscient author in absentia:
Day job deadlines and strip creation are not a good mix … Will return when I can. In the meantime, for your contemplation: David Ortiz arrived at spring training feeling more fit and powerful than ever after changing his offseason workout routine …



The idea of Papi having more Pop makes me feel sort of...tingly.

Sounds ominous

Manny showed up today.

Was he spotted at the car show on Saturday?

Wow. Now my head is hurting.

Does this mean Manny is 3 days early?
Or just less late?

Please advise soonest.


LC, Manny thinks the International Date Line is an escort service with foreign women, so who knows what he's thinking about arriving early/less late.

Manny, like the Buddha, is always exactly on time.

Where's Lisa? Did she stay up too late watching the Oscars? Temps cannot take 'mental health days" can they?

Manny showed up early? Don't worry, he'll keep the universe in balance by sulking and not performing in both August AND September this year.

But that's just Manny being Manny, I guess.

not only is his fit and trim(mer), but he has expanded his handshake repertoire: gotta love the new Dice-K variation, complete with bow of respect. And did anyone read CHB's column/interview with Donnelly? Love the attitude- hope he can back it up


Lisa's working with me today. I have some...um...files that need to be...um...filed....

I miss day job deadlines...

...I need to get a job.

Don't worry Dr.Kaz-all things in time :)


you can make a computer with the soxaholix strip in it, but then last week all you could give us is a guy in a puffy jump suit :)

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