If we can't enjoy the fruits of the Red Sox labor, at least we can enjoy our own.
The Soxaholix are jump starting the Labor Day Weekend. And so should you. Despite the CHB's lame-oh agitprop suggesting otherwise, there's really no value in being angry or demanding answers (or heads) or otherwise going ape shit over the denouement of the '06 season. It is what it is. Now, without further adieu, I give you Lisa the Temp …
Lisa the Temp:
Everybody but the temp gets to start the long weekend early. Well la-dee-fucking-da. May your sorry asses all get stuck in mind numbing holiday traffic.
Lisa the Temp:
By the way, I know you talk about me when I'm not here, bitches.
Thanks, Lisa. You are looking particularly hot today.
Some thoughts on the first meaningless August game at Fenway Park in 5 seasons (with apologies to Ernie Roberts)…The standings on the Wall don’t seem like a very good idea when your team is 8 1/2 games back…At least Reed Johnson shaved that ugly-ass goatee he was wearing earlier in the year…MTimlin is at the end of the road…go home with Dawn and say hi to Tony Orlando if you bump into him in Branson. We need more guys like you…The crow is now my screen saver, and will be until Truck Day…I love Alex Rios as a great young player, but what was he doing going all macqaque and jai-laiing A Cora’s deep fly into a home run?...Dennis Drinkwater’s brother looks like him. A lot…thanks to Pap for acting like it was May out there…Javy Lopez is an embarrassment…so long, Fat Man…
Posted by: louclinton | 2006.09.01 at 09:07 AM
Oooh, Lisa. I love it when you talk dirty to me...
By the way, I'm holding down the fort at work today, too. And yes, I'll be facing that f-ing traffic this afternoon caused by all the Skank-Me's escaping the cesspool ahead of the rains. Dammit...
Nice job on your observations this morning, Lou.
Happy Labor Day, everyone. Hope it's restful for all.
Posted by: Rob in CT | 2006.09.01 at 09:13 AM
We are hunkered down for the remnants of Ernesto here in VA. They actually canceled school today. It's raining, everybody PANIC!!!!!
Posted by: COD | 2006.09.01 at 09:23 AM
The Padres got a +/- this week ... they got Wells, which should help, and Seanez, which probably won't. The NL is totally up for grabs.
Anybody watch Agassi's match last night? Flippin' great. Really good television.
Crossing my fingers for a series win against the Blew Jays, which would be a nice takeaway from a rough late season. Also crossing my fingers for Mr. Lester.
Posted by: IkeG | 2006.09.01 at 09:42 AM
Yes Lisa, we talk about your June Cleaver hairdo...although I do like when you talk dirty.
The CHB is a reprehensible, frizzy haired disgrace. Anyone see him on NESN pregame? He could hardly hide his glee talking about the Sox's (sp) problems.......
Posted by: GaryGeiger | 2006.09.01 at 10:50 AM
Yo, Lisa the Temp needs to relax and enjoy the freedom of a completely empty office building. Do you know the kinds of crazy shit you can do in a cube farm when nobody else is around?
For now, though, let's go Mets. Reyes and Wright are on my fantasy team.
Posted by: DenverSoxFan | 2006.09.01 at 11:09 AM
Anyone else detect a distinct whiff of smug, malicious glee in CHB's column? One can almost picture him, hunched over his keyboard, cackling to himself: "Huzzah, my doom-addled prattling is relevant again! Now, to get to work on that Curse of Damon book...."
If he had moustachios, he'd be twirling them malevolently right about now. Assclown.
Posted by: Aaron | 2006.09.01 at 11:41 AM
Final stats for the fatman's two year stint:
17-10 and a 4.56 era over two years.
I wonder what the team shelled out? I realize the contract was incentive-laden - it is obvious that part of the pay was for starts. Hence no incentive on Wells to waste time doing rehab stints. But I can't help but think the team could have found someone else other than Wells.
Posted by: yazbread | 2006.09.01 at 12:19 PM
Hey Lisa, now that the office is empty why not turn off the computer, take off your jacket, and relax. Especially the jacket part.
Happy labor day to YOU, you hottie you.
Posted by: that gorry kid | 2006.09.01 at 12:28 PM
Why the heck is Lisa getting all pissy because people are talking about her? Doug was paying her a complement by saying she'd be as good an option in the lineup as what the Sox have been trotting out lately.
yazbread, regarding Wells' stats for the Sox, if you take away his 3 "rehab" starts with Sox (Red, not Paw), then his stat line looks much better (and more in line with his pay):
17-8, 3.87 ERA
Posted by: BosoxBob | 2006.09.01 at 01:01 PM
I always enjoy Lisa's offerings best. She's real, dude. Those other stuffy clip art folks think they're Doonesbury or something.
Posted by: tessie | 2006.09.01 at 03:45 PM
lisa's a real dude?? then shouldn't she be heading out to P-town before the traffic on the bridges gets really ugly??
Posted by: mikeya | 2006.09.01 at 04:44 PM
Here's a reward for checking the site during the Labor Day weekend.
I have 4 tickets to the 9/9 Sawhx game v.KC. Grandstand sec 14. good seats. I will give them to you for no cost if 1) you email me and 2) I recognize you as a frequent contributor to the comments on this creepy site.
Please email [email protected].
The judge's determination is final and I will mail them on Tuesday,9/5. hb is also eligible, but I doubt he would want to give anyone his actual address, being an anonophobe. However, he gets first crack. I have not given up (well,ok I have),but Ms. lc and I are going away that weekend.
Posted by: louclinton | 2006.09.02 at 12:38 PM
E-mail sent, Lou.
Posted by: Kaz | 2006.09.02 at 03:10 PM
Sorry, Kaz. I sent one about 1 1/2 hours ago. Crossing my fingers.
Posted by: Bob | 2006.09.02 at 04:02 PM
Whoops, make that 2 1/2 hours ago.
Posted by: Bob | 2006.09.02 at 04:03 PM
How funny. I just bought 4 tix to the 9/9 game v. KC off a guy I know. Sec.9, Row 6. (gimme a wave)
I got them for the price of the ticket, or $25 each, which is considerably less than the $100 per I paid for the last game I went to as part of a bus trip, or the $85 per I paid last year on EBay.
If things keep up the way they have been much longer and pretty soon tix will be sold at below cost.
Posted by: yazgoesbacklookingupitsgone | 2006.09.04 at 09:17 AM
Crikey! Steve Irwin, the "crocodile hunter," was killed by a stingray today (punctured his chest).
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