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Your omniscient author in absentia:
The Soxaholix will return on Wednesday, September 20th. (I'm away on a business trip.)
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Your omniscient author in absentia:
The Soxaholix will return on Wednesday, September 20th. (I'm away on a business trip.)
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I know this is crazy. I know this is certifiably insane. But if we sweep Minnesota...
Posted by: Bob | 2006.09.18 at 09:32 AM
Where's Millar when you need him, eh? "Don't let us win this one because..." Hope is such a dirty mistress.
Regardless of whether we pull it out in epic underdog style, it was nice to see the boys turn up the gas against the Yanks (without Manny and Pap). It was also nice to see them win their first of 6(?) double-headers this year(the other 5 they split, I believe I heard). I was really starting to think Tito has no idea how to manage a lineup...
Posted by: Natalie | 2006.09.18 at 09:42 AM
I thought the same thing myself. I have ben telling my kids "The Sox are out of it", but in my heart I say the same thing, "You know a 14 game win stream is possble..." and chicago and the twins could fold...
and ...
Well you know...
Posted by: vasoxfan | 2006.09.18 at 10:11 AM
I was at the 2nd game in New York last night, in the bleachers. It rocked. And some guy ran out to the middle of the field and stopped, and when the cops went to tackle him, he took a picture of the guy tackling him... LMAO! That made my night; he got a standing ovation from the bleachers. XD
Posted by: NewHavenPatriot | 2006.09.18 at 10:57 AM
well there is some satisfaction to be taken from this
A)three outa four is goodstuff.
B) we ended jeters hitting streak.
i only wish i didnt fall asleep in the 7th inning. (to many martinis on the boat)well all i can say is this week is starting out well.
Posted by: mikeya | 2006.09.18 at 11:27 AM
Bob and vasoxfan:
Dream yourself a dream come true.
Nice to see someone imagining the possibilities right to the bitter end.
Posted by: yazbread | 2006.09.18 at 11:49 AM
There's a post at SoSH that outlines a possibility of sweeping Minnesota, watching Chicago beat up Minnesota at the end and even a few realistic exchanges with TB/Baltimore for them and us...
We all ended in a 3-way tie.
Then the post went crazy and had us winning the World Series with Ortiz going 0.400, 9 HR, 15 RBI and something about Pedro getting ejected in Game 7 after a beanball war with Schilling...
Posted by: Kaz | 2006.09.18 at 12:26 PM
Three out of four is ok, and it's nice that they don't have to listen to 60,000 MFY fans celebrating the division title in their faces, but why the hell couldn't they have put up this much of a fight last month?
Posted by: Aaron | 2006.09.18 at 12:43 PM
Yeah good luck with that sweeping Minnesota thing. See yas in the playawfs!
Posted by: MFYFan | 2006.09.18 at 12:46 PM
Aaron-- because tek/papi/wake/trot(i didn't know how much we missed him) were hurt.
Posted by: vasoxfan | 2006.09.18 at 01:26 PM
Yeah...injuries slammed the Red Sox something awful. Chalk 2006 up to a couple of things:
1) The fluky nature of injuries
2) Some pretty bad talent/needs assessment by the Red Sox FO
I'll guess that the 2007 team does just a wee bit better.
Posted by: Dave S. | 2006.09.18 at 01:38 PM
vasoxfan - true, those guys are back now, but the offensive gain is offset by the loss of Manny, who killed Yankee pitching in the last series. And the pitching staff is currently in arguably worse shape than a month ago. True, Wake is back, but he didn't start in this series. Instead of Schilling and Wells, we got Tavarez and Snyder the hell was that guy who started the second game yesterday?
But even with the depleted staff/roster, they put up a much better effort this time than last month. I don't get it. Playing for pride is important, but playing for a postseason spot should be more so.
Posted by: Aaron | 2006.09.18 at 01:48 PM
...Aaron, I'm afraid some of it was the Yanks coasting as well. They're definitely going through the motions right now. When the big drama for the team in a late season four-games-in-two-days-set against the Sox is whether or not Jeter maintains a hit streak in the 20's, it's likely that they're mailing it in. Put it this way: Torre had Mike Myers face five consecutive righties, and didn't set his current postseason batting lineup once. The Yanks are playing out the string.
Posted by: Dave S. | 2006.09.18 at 01:56 PM
I gotta agree with Aaron. I was at Safeco to watch them get swept by the Mariners. It seemed to me they went down without a fight. However, after taking 3 out of 4 in the Toilet That Ruth Built, it looks like the fight is back in the dag.
Posted by: vancouversoxfan | 2006.09.18 at 02:21 PM, dog!
Posted by: vancouversoxfan | 2006.09.18 at 02:22 PM
You saw the Mess At Safeco too, eh? That was U-G-L-Y. It's one thing to get taunted by Yankee fans: it's infuriating, but they do have the hardware to back their boasts. But when you're taking shit from Seattle Mariners fans, that's a bit much to deal with.
And ironically, that's what will probably end up costing them a playoff birth: not their record against the Yanks or ChiSox or Tigers, but the fact that they've gone 17-19 vs. the dregs of the league (Seattle, KC, and Tampa.) There's just no excuse for that.
Posted by: Aaron | 2006.09.18 at 02:32 PM
Wow, quite the homer happiness in Dodgerland last night. I almost drove off the road travelling into work this morning hearing Bob Piccozzi on Sportcenter from laughing after hearing who gave up Nomah's 9th inning two-run shot.
Who, but our very own Rudy Seanez. How's that working out for you Pahds? RSN can empathize...
Posted by: Rob in CT | 2006.09.19 at 07:38 AM
Sitting idle, and we drop another magic number to 3.
I blaim Theo.
Posted by: Kaz | 2006.09.19 at 01:03 PM
Kaz, stop playing the blaim game.
And start playing the blame game.
Posted by: Bob | 2006.09.19 at 01:44 PM
Anyone else see this? Gordon Edes is smoking crack. He actually thinks that we can compare the end of the Dodgers game last night to Roberts' stolen base and its aftermath? Excuse me? Maybe if the Dodgers then tear off a crazy win streak and then go on to win the WS and this one game is seen as the linchpin MAYBE (although I do believe the Dodgers weren't breaking an 86 year WS drought), but seriously... Seriously?:
"OK, kids, as incredible as the Kevin Millar walk, the Dave Roberts stolen base, and the Billy Mueller base hit off Mariano Rivera in the bottom of the ninth was in Game 4 of the 2004 ALCS, I'm asking you if there has ever been a more spectacular finish to a ballgame than what happened last night in Dodger Stadium?"
Posted by: Natalie | 2006.09.19 at 03:18 PM
Cursed, foyled again.
Thanks for the heads-up, Bob.
Posted by: Kaz | 2006.09.19 at 03:57 PM
Kaz - It's all cool. Bob didn't mean to Flaim you. You aren't to blaim. It's all part of the gaim. We're all subject to this mortal coyle. Don't think you've toyled in vain.
But seriously, back to this Rudy Seanez thing. A walk and a 3-1 meatball for the walkoff homer to lose it. As the Family Guy sez, "Freakin' Sweet!"
Posted by: Rob in CT | 2006.09.19 at 04:27 PM
Natalie, I don't think Edes is all that crazy for saying that, but I also don't agree with him, and doubt that many outside of Chavez Ravine would agree with him. As ridiculous as that finish was last night (four straight homers to tie, then own by a run, then a 2-run to win it? yipes!), if the Dodgers lose they still lead the wild card. It was a nice-to-win, not a must-win.
Posted by: IkeG | 2006.09.19 at 04:31 PM
I see your point, IkeG, but I left off what I consider the silliest part of his post:
"So, I'm asking you, can you top this one? And remember what was at stake ... the Dodgers reclaimed first place with the W."
Yes, that's a big stake, but not quite as big as the Sox stake in 2004, everything resting on one stolen base when everyone in the world knows he is going... Wild does not necessarily mean momentous which I think Edes is conflating.
Posted by: Natalie | 2006.09.19 at 04:36 PM
Here's what concerns me most: Has Lisa been fired?
Posted by: tessie | 2006.09.19 at 04:56 PM
Ah, yes, forgot about that last sentence. Actually that wasn't even the most spectacular finish in a Dodgers game. It can't top Kirk Gimpson, vs one of the great all-time closers, in the WS, off the bench ...
I'll take Roberts's stolen base any day. It still gets me. Whenever I follow a game at, in between innings when they show him sliding in just ahead of the tag, I get a little nervous that maybe this time they'll call him out.
Posted by: IkeG | 2006.09.19 at 05:00 PM
Ike, seems most people(me included) who voted at espn think last nights game was more unbelievable than Gibby HR in WS.
Although I agree w/you on Roberst SB.
Posted by: Monty | 2006.09.19 at 06:21 PM
tuned in to the replay on fox this morning to check out the boston er..dodgers er.. s.d. sox uh.. ok nomar,seanez,bard,lowe,wells,bellhorn,roberts,mueller,sele,embree,walker..oh grady. the biggest difference between games opening attendece around 50k. about 15k saw the end. i dont think any of the 34k left the alcs game.
Posted by: h.i. sox fan | 2006.09.19 at 06:55 PM