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Like Lazarus, he's back.

After struggling all year, yesterday Curt Schilling pitched like Curt Schilling for the first time since "the miracle of the Bloody Sock" …

Scene from a church:
And Jesus said to his disciples …


Father Tim:
"Humankind is a like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea. He drew it out of the sea full of small fish. The wise fishahman found among them a lahge, good fish. He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the lahge fish without hesitation."


Father Tim:
And the Red Sox are like a wise fishahman who cast their net and pulled in a lahge, good fish. And we call this lahge good fish Curt Schilling.


Father Tim:
And that big fish, my children, pitched a wicked stunnah yestahday. So let's us pray for a continued healing of "the ankle" …


Scene from a church:


Father Tim:
Whoevah has eahs let him heah.



h.b., once again you must have some sort of crystal ball...at least on my life. As a recovering Catholic, yesterday was the first time I have been in a RC church for a wedding and/or mass since my youngest daughter made first communion (about 7 years ago). And at 10:30 am to boot! With the reception beginning at 12:30 at an American Legion Hall, it was perfect timing to slip into the adjacent bar from time to time with the smokers and/or vets. I am not sure which gathering/group showed greater faith/thankfulness, but it was a good day all around, no matter which group you belonged to.

From the Soxaholix to God's ears...

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