Mastah of the Centipede Sting Punch
Oh, no he didn't? Oh yes he did! Trot Nixon just verbally pimp slapped A-Rod.
Hell yeah he did. Out of nowhere, too. Just for the effin' sake of it.
Absolutely. Trot's gotta keep his uppity Spankee bitches in line.
And Nixon went right for Slappy's weak spot, too, saying La Fraud doesn't "stand up" with Yankees like Jetah. You know that friggin' drives the Slapstress nuts.
Right now A-Fraud is working double-time to perfect his "dropping the shoulder" move.
Why do I get the feeling that Trot Nixon is waiting for the slightest excuse to go totally kung fu on the Lil' Nubbah with the blue lips?
Wing Chun Nixon's gonna F yo shit up, A-Chump.
Iron fist clocking jaws and shattering blades. Fooshhh Wooshhh.
"[He's] running stairs at 6 in the morning while I’m sleeping and taking my kids to school. I’m like, well I’m not a deadbeat dad, Alex...He’s got a kid now, too, so I guess he’ll have his limo driver take her to school,” Nixon said.
Deeeeeaaaaaammmmmnnnnn. So he calls him a limp-wristed poofter with the 'nubber' jab, then lays him out with the 'spoiled rich bitch' uppercut. Trot, you are my new favorite trash talker.
Posted by: da kine | 2005.02.16 at 06:53 AM
Trot wears one of those Cammo Sox hats. Not to be fucked with.
Posted by: mr. blackandwhite | 2005.02.16 at 09:48 AM
This could be an effective team strategy--talk so much shit about Slappy that he'll be so worked up for the Sox/Spanks games, he'll be rendered useless.
This may go on through out Spring Training--the Knights of the Keyboard must be ecstatic that the jabs continue...
FWIW: Don't forget that Slappy is massive--the Brawl game pictures show him to be a head taller than Tek...didn't appear to matter to Tek, though...thanks.
Posted by: SawxSince67 | 2005.02.16 at 10:19 AM
Sawx, that's what I love most about the famous picture of Tek giving him a mouthful of mitt. He's reaching UP to smack him down. Tek don't talk shit, he just takes care of business.
I've loved Nix since he called Daubauch a lunchbox on NESN a couple years back, when they were doing that NASCAR pool with Don and Jerry.
Posted by: illegitimate son of dwight evans | 2005.02.16 at 10:49 AM
I have always enjoyed Sox-Stinkees trash-talk, but now, after all that happened in '04, it is so much more statisfying. You know the boys are way deep into the Stinkees heads. The barking of a dog that has mauled you is wicked more scary that one that hasn't. I bet old blue lips wings his first throw to first this year at Fenway into the stands (a la Hobson).
Posted by: Follower of Tito | 2005.02.16 at 12:17 PM
I am counting down the days to their first face-off. I look forward to Nixon coming into third, and giving Slappy a taste of his cleats. I am not normally a fan of trash talking, but this is priceless.
Posted by: Jeff | 2005.02.16 at 12:47 PM
Best case scenario is Slappy getting ostracized by the rest of his teammates, and the whole freaking MFY imploding.
Things are looking up this year...again.
Anyone hear that Francona asked Bellichick to come talk to the Sox about retaining their rings?
I wanna hear that speech.
Posted by: Tman | 2005.02.16 at 04:57 PM
In other news...
Why are his lips fucking blue? Has any research been done on this? It pisses me off tremendously.
Also, can anyone else picture a fight breaking out at home plate again with Varitek and Slappy... and out of no where Nixon gives slappy the Clothesline of Death. Slappy does a 360' in the air and Nixon flexes with one knee on home plate. Ahhh, one can dream.
Posted by: Bukes | 2005.02.16 at 05:00 PM