Mr. Nelson: For a Stronger America
Red Sox fans continue to soak it all in …
Why do I feel tired as fuck this morning despite the so-called extra hour of sleep?
No, shit I looked in the mirror this morning and saw Mr. Nelson looking back at me.
Reminds me … does Pedro's little friend come as part of a Pedro Free Agent signing or does Boston have to negotiate a separate contract for the little good luck guy?
Fuck. I'm not ready to think about Free Agents yet, dwarves or otherwise. I want this victory glow to last a bit longer.
You forgot Poland … and Lowe.
Right, Poland. What the fuck was I thinking? But Lowe, well, he's the only one I'm not wondering about.
You voting tomorrow?
Fuck yeah. Gotta write in Mr. Nelson for Preznut.
Considering our choices, that's not a bad fucking idea.
Hell, yeah it is. You know what they say, "A dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees farther of the two."
I always end up tired on the Monday after the extra hour - how does that make sense?
Posted by: Homeboy | 2004.11.01 at 03:18 PM
Same here, except I fall asleep an hour earlier. I had to resort to drinking coffee at 11 P.M. last night to do some work that under Daylight Savings Time I would not have needed java to adequately complete.
Posted by: loosah | 2004.11.01 at 04:44 PM
In my adopted state of Hawaii, we don't mess around with that nonsense. Also, we have palm trees, perfect weather, and hot womenz wearing grass skirts. Wow, I'm a dick.
Posted by: da kine | 2004.11.02 at 12:44 AM
I DiG the site. Just discovered it. I live in this same Bizzarro world. Get some Monkey!!!
Posted by: cway12 | 2004.11.13 at 07:20 PM