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A little light in August

The Red Sox sweep Toronto and are now a season high 15 games above .500 …

Right on. The Sox are now only one game off last year's pace.


Wakefield's got his mofo mojo back on the knuckler!


No, shit. Fuck cheering at the Olympics, those bikini bitches need to get their skanky asses to the ballpark to cheer the Master of the Dry Spitter.


[Imitating a cheer] "Go Timmy! Go Timmy! Whooooooooooo!" [Laughs] Abso-fucking-lutely.


You getting any October wood, yet?


I confess I am. The 7-3 homestand left me with more reasons to believe than doubt a run in October.


And Texas will fade like they usually do late in the season.


Right. Don't look for a Rangers slide just yet, give it a few more weeks. Everyone talks about the heat in Arlington, but it's hot most everywhere in August. It's September 15th with the temps at 103 that drives all but the natives insane.


Yeah, and once the Cowboys start playing games for real … Whoosh, that giant sucking sound you just heard is every Rangers fan tuning out baseball and tuning into the Tuna full time.


Fuck, yeah. Not just the NFL but the high school Friday Night Lights as well. That's some serious shit to the ranch hands, cow pokes, and botoxed, bleached blondes in starched blue jeans of the Texas fan base.


[singing] Texas hoedown, this is the lowdown You're full of shit, destined to go down.



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