Cookin' With Millar
The Red Sox clobber Tampa Bay (like they are supposed to) and everyone breaths a wee bit easier …
So Kapler was right after the opening homestand loss to Tampa Bay. They
take the next two. Thank your favorite supreme being for small miracles.
No shit. And apologies are due to Kevin KFC Millar.
Four for four and a 3 run homer. Lovin' it.
You've gotta KFC what's cookin' with Millar. Fucking-A-right. No more kicking that dude around
like a chicken in West Virginia.
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The canard is a canard! Were you hoaxed by a hoax buster?
Near the bottom of the page, click on the link for "More Information About This Page" and you'll discover that Kentucky is not to blame for the name change to KFC.
Posted by: Mia's Boy | 2004.08.12 at 11:33 AM
Yes! I was duped. Altered Mike's final speech to reflect update. Thanks!
Posted by: h.b. | 2004.08.12 at 12:58 PM
You,H.B., are a plethora of entertainment and information. May you live long.
Posted by: joey | 2004.08.12 at 02:26 PM