Like a 3 a.m. bug
The Red Sox take 2-3 from the Phillies over the weekend …
So two out of three ain't bad?
Could be worse, but I wouldn't set the Tivo to record October baseball just yet. [Laughs]
As Bob Ryan says, "This is a team that needs to start playing like a true contender, not some blustery pretender."
Pinto bean thinks the Sox' problems lie in a tremendous fall off in power from the 4th slot to the fifth. The five, six and seven hitters combined have a slugging percentage in the low .400's.
Six behind the Yankees in the loss column, four ahead of the Devil Rays … Sadness drips like water beads in a half-poisoned well.
My fucking hopes are narrowing down, narrowing down toward almost nothing …
I'm like a bug in the bathroom when you flick on the lightswitch at 3 a.m.
Author's Notes
The final 3 speeches (beginning with "Sadness drips" are from the Charles Bukowski poem "Straight on Through." In particular I love the "half-poisoned well" line from Bukowski as it mirrors the whole glass half-full, glass half-empty bit comparing optimists and pessimists which is such a major part of being a Red Sox fan, i.e., what are you, optimist or pessimist, on any given day?
The 5-6-7 hitters have a "combined" SLG in the .400s? Maybe "average", but not "combined".
Posted by: Joe | 2004.06.28 at 01:56 PM
Re "combined" I got that directly from Pinto's site.
Not saying it's correct, just passing the buck.
Posted by: h.b. | 2004.06.28 at 02:11 PM
An optimist or pessimist on any given day? Is there really a distinction between the two when you're a Red Sox fan?
Posted by: Jennifer | 2004.06.28 at 08:57 PM