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Let the Supplanting Commence

The Red Sox pound Baltimore for a 10-3 win the night before …

Bill, our faith in the Passion of the Damon has been duly rewarded.


You know what I was thinking when I saw him make that leap?


That a non-post-concussion Johnny Damon would have caught one if not all the center field homers in Game 7 of the ALCS?


Right, especially Giambi's.


It's a merciless game … For some more than others.


After back to back wins on strong pitching performances, the state of Red Sox Nation is strong …

Doug, do you love the sinkerball or what?


Almost as much as the Wonkette. Despite claims to the contrary, this chick is the real deal. Check out the photo I've got.


Whoa! Where'd you get that?


I'll never tell (except to say she, that is Wonkette, sent it to me). I believe I'm actually going to have to be strapped down. You had better send someone to strap me down. And, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to have some tests done …


The Red Sox look good, the Wonkette looks better … I do believe it's gangbang weather for the first time in months.


To this sunny day I surrender all my good intentions. [Laughs.]


Author's notes:
More allusions to Letter's to Wendy's occur in the character speeches.


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